eternal2 (front)
Italian Alabaster |
Eternal2 (close view) |
Eternal2 (back view) |
Affectionate Forms (view 1)
26" H x 21" W
Italian Alabaster |
Affectionate Forms (view 2) |
Affectionate Forms (view 3) |
Generations - Father
Black Soapstone 27"H x 20"W x 11" |
Generations - Grandparent |
Generations - Parent Child |
Family Gathering
12" H x 14" W
Carrara Marble |
White Eagle
20" H x 30" L
Carrara Marble |
Do Not Go Gently
21" H
Bronze |
Origins (view 1)
27" H x 19" W
Black Virginia Soapstone |
Origins (view 2) |
Stone People
24" H x 14" W
Onyx |
La Famiglia (view 1)
26" H x 18" W
Variegated California Soapstone |
La Famiglia (view 2) |
African Venus
4Ft. High
Teak wood |
Sasha (the bear)
16" H x 22" L x 11" W
White Alabaster |
Sasha (view 2) |
Sasha (view 3) |
Venus and Mars
22" H x 24" L x 18" H
Pink Alabaster |
Venus and Mars (view 2) |
Venus and Mars (view 3) |
Woman of Guernica
9.4" H x 5" W
Montana Soapstone |
20" H x 25" W
Montana Soapstone |
Scar Colorado Grey Alabaster 16"H x 24"L